
For My Graduates

For My Graduates 4.22.2008

Dear All,

This is the happiest time of a year; weather begins to warm up, flower start to bloom, birds whisper to tell each other spring is here. For me, this is also the saddest time, maybe I should say: a mixed feeling indeed.

We have known each other for 4 years. I believe these years must be one of the wonderful times in your life. If you don’t believe me, please come back in 10 years and tell me then. I am really happy to be part of yours here. For you, the countless hours of homework, studying, working on research project are dreadful; however, friends, classmates and professors you have met here are part of the reward you earn. I believe you will treasure all these once you leave this campus.

Many times when I explained Infectious Disease and Microbiology, I told you all to be: CAREFUL. Again, I hope you will be extremely careful in choosing your future pathway. Life is full of surprises and challenges. Be strong, be not afraid and be brave to face whatever appearing in front of you. For you, life is not the end here. Instead, it will be a starting point. Make the best of the knowledge you have learnt here, and use the friends and professors you met here wisely, for we might be somewhat useful for you at times. I have never said Education or Life is easy, I have challenged you so much and hope you can prepare to the outside world. Here, I do not have the greatest present for you to celebrate the graduation, but I will leave a promise with you. If you ever need me, I will be an email, a phone call, a Facebook poke or just a text message away. I may not be the best person to give you any advises, however, my ear and my heart will always open up to listen.

Many times, I got mad at you: how could you write such a lousy lab report; why you performed so badly in the exam and why you were absent from the class. In return, I am so glad that you are holding on to the end, giving a great presentation; proud of you got admitted to graduate school; and very happy that you actually set a plan for your future. Like a mom, I am always worrying and I will never be secure until one day you really grow up. In my heart and soul, you will always be a kid to me!

At the end, I would say something just like when you are flying on a plane, before you leave that plane, the announcement says: thanks for riding with me on this Manhattanville College, I believe you have arrived your destination safety and I hope you will find us a pleasure to ride with and have a wonderful (life) trip. I hope in the near future, I would see you again!

Have a great day and a wonderful life ahead of you!

With all my love and best wishes,

Anna (Dr. Cheung)



人生旅程 4.2.2008


出生到年少時,你演的是最容易當的主角,你是家裡的小孩子、你的責任是好好長大成人,在學校做個好學生,最重要努力讀書,將來能做個飛機師、工程師、大律師或教師之類的專業人士。當學習談戀愛時,你就很快變成別人的男或女朋友,責任開始多了一些,男的,要懂得學會交往技巧;女的,要學會怎樣打扮得宜,做個可愛的小情人。等到投入社會處世工作,你就要做好你份工,給你上司覺察你的才華,讓你能早日步步高昇。到覓得終身伴侶,成家立室後,就要負起家庭擔子。邁進中年,變成所謂的「夾心人」,既要照顧上一代的健康和生活,又要憂慮子女的學業前途,而事業也可能正進入高峰期 (特別是男性) ,處於外憂內患,就算生活過得去,也會感到充滿壓力。若能夠順利衝過這關,很快便走進黃金時期 (Golden Age) ,如果你一生努力和勤奮,再加上少許運氣,便可以和你所愛的人,安享晚年,過著幸福快樂的生活。




Charisma--政治魅力 3.31.2008


怎樣才能有這些政治魅力,是要有吸引力(Charm)加上領導才能(Leadership) ,或許,作為研讀生物學的我,會想一半是與生俱來的,而另一半正是後天努力所得。由於政治與法律息息相關,有許多高官或政要,都是律師出身,他們當然有極好的辯才能力,但要有領導的才華,又不是人人可以。有時想,政治家像是一個高級推銷員,別人覺得你講話有說服力,便會買 (buy) 你的那套政治理論,那就等於投你神聖的一票;相反,無論你天資有多聰穎,但缺乏口才和那特殊的魅力,有更好的建制,你就無法去推舉實行。特別在美國社會,小孩子年幼時,便開始教導如何表現自己,”Presentation” 是教學的一個重要環節。不難發現,許多工作機構的高層董事,見到他們講多過做,而成功卻要靠那群實幹的手下去完成任務。例如,蘋果電腦的總裁Steve Jobs前陣子推銷其 iPhone, 他的出色演譯,就帶來一連串的討論,多少大學,立刻用其 Presentation 作講學模式,及至聲稱,想要做好一個Presentation的功課,就要到網路上看看Steve Jobs 的表演技巧!

中國人往往學習謙遜,很少太過自誇,腳踏實地是上一代對我們的訓誨,所以,是否覺得中國沒有太多具有政治魅力的人才呢。終於,台灣出了個俊偉的馬總統,那麼香港又怎樣呢?最近,許多報章就馬丁 (李柱銘)不再參選立法會,引發出香港是否還有像他或華叔 (司徒華) 那樣具有政治魅力的人,踏入立法會內去為民請命,這並不是說再沒有好的政治家或立法會人才,而是,像他們般有說服力去吸引普羅大眾。不難想像,只要你有機會接觸他們,你會不其然發現其「魅力」,或許這是因為他們抱著誠懇和信念,加上那份十年如一日的堅持,守著對民主不屈不朽的精神;而相由心生,久而久之,魅力就更見明顯。他們的情操正是天地日月皆可作証,無怪乎,近日有不少人嘆息馬丁的退下,對政壇上又少了一個如此具有 Charisma的人感到唏噓啊!