

才子 12.30.2008







祈禱 12.23.2008








雪花般的政治 12.21.2008



那麼,政治意識是與生俱來的,還是財鴻勢大者、或閒著沒事做的人,才能當政客。今早,看到時事節目,討論卡洛琳甘迺迪 (Caroline Kennedy) 是否適合當紐約州參議員,去補上希拉理的位置。圓桌上七嘴八舌,有說她其實能幹,又有人批評她過於沉實,只因甘迺迪這名字而被人垂青,為何政治就不能夠簡單點嗎?或許,她生長於這個顯赫家族,長期在鎂光燈下生活,變得沉默和慎言;但她現在卻有心為人們服務,為何不給她一個公平的機會去嘗試,畢竟,在政治世界裡的真正有心人,實在太少了,而雪花般的政治,真實與否,又有誰知曉呢!


Merry Christmas 2008

Merry Christmas 2008

Athena: What should we say this year to our friends, aunties and uncles?

Dustin: Tell them you are a 6th grader, went to California for the whole summer, won first on the Math Olympiad, pass the 5th level of Royal Exam in Piano, still playing Saxophone, singing in school Broadway Show: The Little Mermaid…enjoying chess, reading and crafting.

Ava: Me, me, me …what should I say, I am still the “Princess” of the family, and in Pre-K; unlike you, Dustin, you are in 5th grade, received the perfect score in NYSSMA on violin, and also playing chess, clarinet and most importantly, enjoy watching TV with me!!

Athena: Yes, you all went to HK without me, Mom went back in summer to volunteer for a legislator for his re-election campaign and he won (Hooray!!). And mom got to see her father (Grandpa) twice in summer, however, grandpa went to heaven in September and mom is still very sad about it. Mom is always busy on the internet, enjoy Facebooking and she is the chair of the department now.

Dustin: Haha, yes, we went to Disney in HK and Macau during summer. We had lots of fun, but the Disney in HK is so small…..! And Dad is still v. busy as the director and in charge of many projects in the airports in China.

Ava: My turn... yes, I liked staying with Grandma in Taipo during summer, and I like the Disney in HK v. much. But, I don’t like Grandma’s music: Chinese opera…..I prefer Athena’s favorite one: Rock Music….And too bad, I can’t read yet, unlike you, Athena, you read many books. Your recent favorite books are Twilight and The Bartimaeus Trilogy: The Amulet of Samarkand.

Athena, Dustin, Ava: Overall, we have a good year with some sadness, but we are thankful to be healthy and love by our mom, dad and you all. We are heading to Pocono for skiing during X’mas!! So, nice talking to you folks, and wishing you a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!!
